Dental Cleaning Care


Your smile and oral health are important to you, and to our caring team of dentists in Milton at White Canvas Dentistry.

To help you keep your smile healthy throughout your life, we encourage oral hygiene care on a routine basis. Oral hygiene care includes dental cleanings, dental checkups, and x-rays.

Depending on your medical and dental health, you may benefit from dental care every 3, 4, or 6 months.

If you show symptoms of gingivitis or moderate or advanced gum disease, we may recommend a series of deep cleaning appointments to restore your gum health. After this “active” phase of treatment, you will be prescribed an oral hygiene schedule to maintain gum health.

Learn more about what to expect at these visits below.

Your First Oral Exam Appointment

For your first oral examination, we will take your full medical history and ask about any medications you may be taking. We will perform a full examination of your:

  • teeth
  • existing dental work
  • gum health
  • jaw bone health
  • soft tissues including tongue & cheeks

The hygienist will present all findings to the dentist and we’ll share the findings with you.

If any cavities or concerns are found, we’ll make treatment recommendations.

If gum disease treatment is needed, we’ll explain the recommended course of care to you and help you schedule your deep cleaning appointments.

Our goal is to help you keep your natural teeth for life and minimize the need for costly dental treatment. With regular preventative care and good home habits, our Milton dentists can help you keep your smile natural and healthy for years to come.

Dental Hygiene Care

Did you know that you mouth can house over 600 kinds of bacteria?

Some are good, some are bad. Sometimes they become imbalanced and can cause:

  • plaque
  • tartar
  • inflammation of the gums
  • bleeding gums when flossing or brushing
  • tooth decay
  • gingivitis
  • gum disease
  • tooth loss

Fortunately, these tooth problems are largely preventable with regular dental appointments. Our wonderful dental hygienists and dentists will make every visit comfortable for you.

Some patients are so relaxed during dental cleanings that they almost doze off. Some watch TV. Some prefer a little help to relax at the dental office, and we are happy to offer laughing gas for dental cleaning if needed. Tell us what you need to make your visit comfortable.

Some patients do well with a visit every six months. Patients with a history of gum disease, or with certain medical conditions such as diabetes, or during pregnancy, may need more frequent care. Your dentist may recommend dental hygiene care every three or four months to maintain a healthy mouth.

Feel free to ask any questions you may have. Our goal is to help you understand your options.

Regular Dental Cleaning Appointment

During a regular Dental cleaning, the entire mouth is treated in a single one-hour appointment. This is only possible when the mouth is healthy and free of gum disease. Your dental hygienist will use professional tools to reach areas above and below the gumline that your toothbrush and floss cannot reach.

The helps to disrupt the biofilm of bad bacteria that are always building. When disrupted, we prevent the hardening of the biofilm, which leads to tartar and dental problems.
Your hygienist may use manual tools or an ultrasonic scaler which uses sound vibrations to break up and remove tartar and leave your teeth with that ultra clean feeling. After cleaning, we may apply tooth polish in a minty fresh or bubble gum flavour. A quick rinse and you will be on your way!

Deep Cleaning Appointment

When gum disease is present, it also means a higher amount of plaque and tartar are present. These hard, rock-like substances take additional time to remove. In addition, the gums are swollen, inflamed, and more sensitive. Extra care is needed. For your comfort, a local anesthetic may also be needed.

For this reason, multiple appointments are required to get through a full mouth cleaning when disease is present. Depending on the severity of the gum disease present, instead of a single one-hour appointment, you may need:

  • 2 x 1-hour appointments to treat the upper left and lower left + upper right and lower right, or
  • 4 x 1-hour appointments to treat each quadrant of the mouth separately
  • An alternate plan prescribed by the dentist based on unique conditions

You are welcome to ask any and all questions you may have. We are here to inform, educate and support your good dental health and are happy to explain in more detail if needed.

About X-rays: X-rays allow us to see inside the gums, to the supporting bone. X-rays also allow us to detect changes in tooth structure which indicate tooth decay. We take x-rays as needed to assess tooth and jaw bone health.

These ultra-low radiation digital x-rays are proven safe. X-rays are integral to your good oral health. Without them, your dentist can only see half the picture. To deliver good care, we will take x-rays as needed.

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And keep your smile healthy & looking great! Call our Milton ON team at White Canvas Dentistry today!

Long Hours Including Saturdays. Give us a call at (905) 875-3990 or

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